The fall of Aleppo is a human catastrophe. It’s also a demonstration of the perils of choosing the middle course in a military conflict. Sometimes it’s possible to talk and fight at the same time. But in Syria, the U.S. decision to pursue a dual-track, halfway approach made the mayhem worse....
Syria's President Bashar Assad is on the verge of recapturing all of Aleppo from rebels, but the victory won't be his alone. The battle for Syria's largest city has attracted thousands of foreign forces backing Assad - including Russian soldiers and Shiite fighters from Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and...
(Los Angeles Times)- He was a committed activist, as well as a “real funny guy,” according to his colleagues on the front lines in northern Syria. To his comrades in arms, he was a good fighter, one who said he feared cameras more than bullets. And to friends at home in Northern...
(Sky News)- A Syrian girl who has shared the horrors of living in Aleppo has revealed her home was destroyed and she narrowly escaped death as government forces battle to retake control of a district in the city. Seven-year-old Bana Alabed has been tweeting from the devastated city as...