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The stakes of an Iranian deal

A s Druze warlord Walid Jumblatt   served   a sumptuous dinner to a gathering of Lebanese notables here, the talk around the table  was about who  would fill the power vacuum in the region if America reaches a nuclear deal with Iran — and accelerates...

Syria, Russia to Discuss Peace Conference on Monday

A Syrian government delegation is due to meet officials in Moscow on Monday to discuss an international peace conference that Russia, the U.S. and the United Nations are trying to convene, a Russian diplomatic source said. Russia...

Israel's Doctors Treating Hundreds of Syria's War Wounded

Historically bitter relations between Syria and Israel have been bypassed by the civil conflict as a wave of injured Syrians get urgent medical help from Israelis. The two countries remain technically at war (Israel is frequently demonised as "Zionist Imperialism" by the Ba'ath...