‘President and Women’ is a Syrian sitcom will be streaming soon on YouTube, it follows in a comedian approach the relationship between presidents of the dictatorship regimes and women, as their romantic relationships and scandals. The sitcom which is produced by Zaman...
For a modest fee Ibrahim leads Syrians across the Turkish border, one of many services his organisation, the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra Front, provides to those in need. On a recent day he led a line of taxis up a muddy road through olive groves toward Turkey's border with Syria,...
We can not deny that the National Coalition with all its suffer of rifts and fractions is still the legitimate group by the International Community amid the Syrian opposition . But is this recognition able to be last longing if NC failed to attend the planned peace...
Syria's opposition gathered in Istanbul on Friday to vote on whether to attend peace talks next week with President Bashar al-Assad's government, under heavy pressure from Western backers to endorse negotiations. With just five days to go, the opposition National Coalition remains...