Armed with machine guns, black-clad al Qaeda fighters drove their pick-ups calmly into the northern Syrian town and took over its imposing agriculture ministry building. They beheaded a sniper from a rival rebel unit, displayed his head in the main square and put roadblocks on major...
Facebook activists have circulated a photo of a three years old girl from Homs, called Ritaj Yusuf al-Khalid, who got lost from her father in Greece on 11/11/2013 when they were caught by the coast guards. The girl carried on her journey to Sweden with a lady from Aleppo...
A Republican U.S. senator touring the Middle East this week got access to Saudi royals that some in the State Department at times, lately, could only dream of. That includes a three-hour session ending at 3 a.m. with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the kingdom’s intelligence chief and...
Fighters linked to al-Qaeda have kidnapped and executed an Iraqi freelance cameraman working in northern Syria, the first foreign journalist killed by fighters in the rebel-held north, according to a press freedom watchdog. The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders said...