Syrians called it the "bride of the revolution". The eastern city of Raqqa was swept by celebrations after residents woke up one morning in March to see the last batch of forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad leaving. Believing a new era of freedom had arrived, they promised to...

Armed with machine guns, black-clad al Qaeda fighters drove their pick-ups calmly into the northern Syrian town and took over its imposing agriculture ministry building. They beheaded a sniper from a rival rebel unit, displayed his head in the main square and put roadblocks on major...

Facebook activists have circulated a photo of a three years old girl from Homs, called Ritaj Yusuf al-Khalid, who got lost from her father in Greece on 11/11/2013 when they were caught by the coast guards. The girl carried on her journey to Sweden with a lady from Aleppo...