International inspectors racing to meet a mid-2014 deadline to eliminate Syria's chemical stockpile said Thursday they have made "encouraging initial progress" in their mission, and hope to start onsite inspections and begin disabling equipment within the next week. An advance team of...
The Syrian government is unlawfully holding tens of thousands of political detainees solely on the basis of their peaceful activity, Human Rights Watch said today in opening a campaign to cast light on their fate. Many have been held for long periods and tortured....
Syria's opposition Ambassador to Doha expressed his sorrow for the collective resignation by 4 employees including the consul last week. Mr. Nizar al-Heraki described the resignation of Consul Omar Idlebi with other three employees as “ a surprising act",...
A medical source from the embattled Ghouta towns revealed death of 6 children at least because of famine and lack of food, "we are not in Somalia,'' the source said to Zaman Alwasl. '' People are dying under severe siege by Bassar al-Assad forces to rebel-held areas....