A leading Syrian opposition figure slammed the decision of the Friends of Syria meeting to arm the rebels, calling the "ridiculous" idea would prolong the crisis and give rise to violence. "We think that the decision of the Friends of Syria meeting to arm the rebels reflects the Western...
The ambush was a simple affair, compared to some of the complex and brutal operations devised in Syria’s civil war. But in a society whose divisions are historic, even if they have only now exploded like a leaky petrol tanker, the circumstances were unusual. The target was a Sunni Muslim...
The revolutionary Rally of Talkalkh, border city, warned of new copy of Qusayr massacres after fierce campaign by Assad's forces and its militias. Shabiha, militia controlled by Assad, has occupied three neighborhoods of Talkalakh, Homs province in western Syria...
In remarkable move the Kurdish civil society of Amouda city, north east Syria; have protested in solidarity with the detainees in the PYD prisons. The open sit-in started week ago demanding release of detainees in the Kurdish chambers of PYD. Activists said '' We need our sons...