US Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to France and Kuwait from Jan 11 to 15 ahead of a key peace conference on Syrian crisis, the State Department said Wednesday. In Paris, the top US envoy will attend a ministerial meeting of the London 11, a group of countries backing the...

Former Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab, who defected in July 2012 from Bashar al-Assad's government, and NC former secretary general, Mustafa Al-Sabbagh have resigned from the National Coalition, Zaman Alwasl reporter said. NC newly re-elected president Ahmad...

Al Mujahideen Army and other rebel groups have not controlled the main headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and The Levant (ISIL) in Kadi Askar in Aleppo, Zaman Alwasl reporter said. The reporter assured that fierce clashes took place today between Al...