The United States on Sunday appeared for the first time to hold out the possibility that Iran might play a role on the sidelines of a Syria peace conference even if Tehran is not formally invited. Washington, and Syrian opposition groups, have long had reservations...

The negotiations are underway to swap the 14 Maaloula nuns by rebel detainees in Assad’s prisons, well-informed source said to Zaman Alwasl, assuring that the number of nuns is 14 not 12, in addition to their servant. Bashar al-Assad’s big ally, t ycoon George...

A newly formed al-Mujahideen Army pledged to cleanse Syrian lands from any presence for the powerful al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), rebel commander told Zaman Alwasl. On Saturday, Syrian rebels battled ISIL fighters across the north-west of...