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Campaigners occupy German coal mines in climate protest

Thousands of activists sought Saturday to occupy several opencast coal mines in eastern Germany, to put pressure on the government to phase out the fossil fuel -- a divisive issue in the country's rust belt. With painted faces and dressed in white, hundreds of campaigners sought to force...

Impeachment’s influence hazy as issue in congressional races

Republicans aim to use the House drive toward impeaching President Donald Trump to whittle down Democrats’ majority by dislodging vulnerable incumbents from swing districts loaded with moderate voters. It could work, especially in Democratic-held districts Trump carried in 2016 with...

UK parties' election manifestos: The quick guide

Manifestos are important in any election, but especially so in the U.K. During Britain’s last election in 2017, the disastrous launch of the ruling Conservative Party’s manifesto cost them the parliamentary majority that they had hoped to expand. Conversely, the opposition Labour...