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Syria, Russia to Discuss Peace Conference on Monday

A Syrian government delegation is due to meet officials in Moscow on Monday to discuss an international peace conference that Russia, the U.S. and the United Nations are trying to convene, a Russian diplomatic source said. Russia...

Hezbollah commander killed in Syria

  A senior Hezbollah commander died on Saturday after he was wounded in Syria several days ago, a pro-Hezbollah website reported. “The Islamic resistance in Hezbollah proudly weds a new Knight...Ali Shabeeb (Abu Trab al-Rweis) who died as he was performing his sacred...

Syria's Coalition appoints envoy to Belgium

Syria's National Coalition has appointed Mr. Muwaffak Nyrabia, as Head of Coalition Bureau in Belgium and  Dr. Bassam Said Abdullah to head the opposition office in Germany . Nyrabia, the veteran dissident and former Political prisoner is the representative of foreign...