Assad's forces committed a new massacre in Bustan al-Qqassr neighborhood in Aleppo, killing at least 40 people and dozens wounded with mass destruction for the buildings, activists reported.

Assad's forces committed a new massacre in Bustan al-Qqassr neighborhood in Aleppo, killing at least 40 people and dozens wounded with mass destruction for the buildings, activists reported.
Fierce clashes still going on in the city of Dara'a where 3 rebels have been killed according to Syrian watchdog. One of them passed away on Thursday evening in the Jordanian hospitals due to wounds suffered during clashes with regime forces. The...
Three rebels from al-Tawheed brigade have been killed next to the border crossing of Bab al-hawa after 10 days of abduction, local sources in the countryside of Idlib told Zaman Alwasl. Sources reported pro-Assad militia had killed them next to the Turkish borders when they were...