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Jordan hosts over 2,100 Syria army defectors

  More than 2,100 Syrian officers have fled to Jordan since the start of the conflict in their country in 2011, the kingdom's interior minister said in remarks published on Sunday.   "Jordan is hosting around 2,130 Syrian officers of different...

Why Syria’s images of suffering haven’t moved us

In the  Odessa Steps scene  of Sergei Eisenstein’s 1925 film  “Battleship Potemkin,”  a boy no more than 3 or 4 years old is shot by czarist troops. Bleeding, he falls to the ground, where he is trampled by a frantic crowd fleeing the massacre. His anguished mother...

Obama welcomes Syria deal, expects Assad compliance

US President Barack Obama welcomed the deal reached Saturday to strip Syria of chemical weapons but said much remains to be done and warned Damascus to comply with the accord. In a statement, Obama said that if the regime of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad does not live up to the deal...

US, Russia agree on Syria chemical weapons plan

The United States and Russia on Saturday agreed on an ambitious plan to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons by the middle of next year. In a landmark deal thrashed out in talks spanning three days, the two powers gave Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a week to hand over the details and...