By Abdullah Al Ghadawi; Translation by Rana Abdul
(Zaman al-Wasl)- Secretary General of Syrian National Coalition SNC Abdul Illah Fahid said Assad will not remain in the transitional period “even for one day”.
He did not stop at that, but added that whoever thinks of Assad remaining is realistic or rational will be questioned.
Originally the representative of the local councils refused totally that Assad’s departure before the transitional period is a crippling condition.
Fahid in an open dialogue with Zaman al-Wasl revealed the political body will hold everyone who accepts Assad remain in power accountable in the transitional period considering it is a betrayal to the Syrian blood and SNC will not accept it.
Also, he revealed in Coordination Committee’s meeting in Brussels workshop after the general coordinator of Coordination Committee Hasan Abdul Azim said they did not get authorized by SNC to go to Brussel, but they went in their personal capacities, to the dialogue:
Z: What did the political body discuss in its meeting last Friday?
A: The political body discussed several issues including the international data in relation to the Syrian situation and the developments of the meeting of the High Negotiation Committee. Also, what was new in this meeting was discussing the representation of the Turkmen community in the SNC. The representation is weak and needs to be extended as well as representation of women.
Z: What is the significance of the meeting of the political body and what does it offer except for general evaluation that can be done by a phone call?
A: Since the foundation of the High Committee for Negotiation and the talks about negotiations to reach a transitional period, the political body in its meeting discusses the transitional period, coordination and support to the Committee in negotiations. The coordination is necessary and needs periodic meetings for the political body. One of the important roles of the political body is to communicate with the International Community and hence this communication needs continuous discussions and that’s the role of the political body.
Z: let us leave out the rumors of the competition between SNC and the High Committee, so can you tell us about the dividing lines between their tasks?
A: When the High Committee was founded in Riyad, the participating forces in this conference agreed in consensus to a vision of the transitional period and other articles. The SNC is part of the High Committee and hence, no one has the right to reserve any of the decisions made by the High Committee in relation to negotiations.
Another thing is that SNC is a political umbrella consisting of 33 political entities, but the High Committee is not concerned in such a thing. So it is a problem to negotiate with regime on the basis of Riyad conference and the foundation document of SNC. The body cannot turn into a political entity like SNC.
Z: Since you are the general secretary of SNC, what is your comment on the recent news of reproducing the idea of Assad remain in the transitional period?
A: It is totally unacceptable and accepting it is a betrayal to the blood of the Syrian population. In addition to that it is contrary to the rules of procedures for SNC and the outcomes of Riyad Conference which states the ouster of regime in all its forms and symbols. This is a red line.
Z: What if a member accepted Assad remain and considered it a rational and realist thing that should be done?
A: This was proposed in the general body of SNC and also in the discussions of the political body. There should be executive procedures to deal with these violations and the study on procedures is being accurately conducted.
Z: The Coordination Committee does not deny they are pro Assad remain; however, SNC still work with the committee under sponsorship of EU, how do you explain that?
A: The meetings held between the committee and SNC since over a year all confirm through mutual documents the known constants of the Syrian revolution which include SNC constants and Riyad Conference. But Brussels meetings, the first was really to conduct workshops between the two parties to form understanding of the transitional period. However, after Hasan Abdul Azim announcement that Assad’s departure is a crippling condition, there was a decisive response by SNC on this issue and general discontent. Whoever went to the second meeting between the committee and SNC to Brussels does not represent SNC but only themselves.
Z: Did SNC stopped workshops with Coordination Committee?
A: Yes, they stopped these workshops and whoever attended the Brussel meeting with the committee were not assigned by SNC to go.
Z: In light of talking about a political settlement, what is new in the SNC stand especially that some talk about an international resolution without consulting SNC?
A: Assad remain is contrary to SNC and Riyad Conference constants, unless SNC and the committee decided to change their decisions and this needs approval of the General Committee of SNC and Riyad Conference, but Assad remain will not be and it is a dream after all the Syrian people’s sacrifices.
Z: The military council was dissolved by SNC decision since a year and half and until now an alternative was not founded, is the project done?
A: Formation of the military council is being worked on, but in fact, we do not want to found a military council in light of the military complication in Syria to fail. The opposition is not able to deal with another failure especially in the military file. Also, the decision to form a military council is connected with international acknowledgment.
We are seeking to obtain international acknowledgement to strengthen this council and to achieve support for a strong entity away from extremist forces. We are always in contact with the political offices for the military factions. Work is conducted accurately and cautiously and it will be awarded success God willing.
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