(Zaman Al Wasl)- Assad's archive revealed the presence of dozens of Syrian citizens who were "stripped of Syrian nationality", for reasons that were not revealed, as it came in a memorandum issued by the Political Security Division, the security arm of the Ministry of Interior of the regime.
The list, which has never been published, contains 101 names included in Zaman al-Wasl archive, containing some 1.7 million memos issued by various repressive agencies, including key intelligence agencies and ministries such as the Ministry of Defense, Interior and Justice.
The list included males and females from various regions of Syria and the various births.
The Decree of Law No. 276 which was based on a resolution of the Council of Ministers by the same number, dated 24/11/1969, is implemented in Syria regarding naturalizing issues.
The decree consists of 8 chapters, under which 35 articles fall, and Chapter 7 is allocated to the item Stripping nationality where the following is stated literally:
Article 20
A person shall be deprived of his nationality by judicial sentence of a person who has been found to be acquitted on the basis of a false or fraudulent statement and includes those who acquired the citizenship by dependency.
Article 21
A. Citizen may be stripped of his nationality by decree on the basis of a reasoned proposal from the Minister in the following cases:
If he acquired a foreign nationality in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article (10) of this Legislative Decree.
B. If he enters his military service in a foreign country without prior authorization issued by the Minister of Defense.
C. If he is employed by a foreign state in any capacity, whether inside or outside the country, and he did not respond to the request of the Minister to leave the service within a certain period.
D. If he shows an activity or work for a country that is at war with the country.
E. If his departure to the Syrian Arab territories proved illegal to a country at war with the country.
And if his acceptance of nationality under the provisions of Article (6) and the investigation proved that this stripping is in the interest of the security and safety of the country.
If he left the country for the purpose of settlement in a non-Arab country and his absence abroad exceeded three years and was more dangerous to return, he did not answer the reasons for unconvincing within three months of the date.

The list, which has never been published, contains 101 names included in Zaman al-Wasl archive, containing some 1.7 million memos issued by various repressive agencies, including key intelligence agencies and ministries such as the Ministry of Defense, Interior and Justice.
The list included males and females from various regions of Syria and the various births.
The Decree of Law No. 276 which was based on a resolution of the Council of Ministers by the same number, dated 24/11/1969, is implemented in Syria regarding naturalizing issues.
The decree consists of 8 chapters, under which 35 articles fall, and Chapter 7 is allocated to the item Stripping nationality where the following is stated literally:
Article 20
A person shall be deprived of his nationality by judicial sentence of a person who has been found to be acquitted on the basis of a false or fraudulent statement and includes those who acquired the citizenship by dependency.
Article 21
A. Citizen may be stripped of his nationality by decree on the basis of a reasoned proposal from the Minister in the following cases:
If he acquired a foreign nationality in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article (10) of this Legislative Decree.
B. If he enters his military service in a foreign country without prior authorization issued by the Minister of Defense.
C. If he is employed by a foreign state in any capacity, whether inside or outside the country, and he did not respond to the request of the Minister to leave the service within a certain period.
D. If he shows an activity or work for a country that is at war with the country.
E. If his departure to the Syrian Arab territories proved illegal to a country at war with the country.
And if his acceptance of nationality under the provisions of Article (6) and the investigation proved that this stripping is in the interest of the security and safety of the country.
If he left the country for the purpose of settlement in a non-Arab country and his absence abroad exceeded three years and was more dangerous to return, he did not answer the reasons for unconvincing within three months of the date.

Notify him of the dangers if he refrains from receiving him or does not know his place of residence or cannot be notified for any reason that the publication in the Official Gazette is deemed to be a notification.
Article 22
A person who is stripped of nationality in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (d) of Article 21 may provide for the confiscation of his movable and immovable property.
Article 23
A person's stripping of nationality shall result in his own loss of nationality, unless expressly provided otherwise.
If Zaman al-Wasl is to publish the names of those who are stripped of Syrian nationality, it would like to draw attention to a serious issue that is still very secret, and is summarized in the talk of the regime and through the "Court of Terrorism" stripping a number of Syrian citizens of their nationalities under the pretext of " Supporting terrorism ", which carries new risks against the Syrians whose country is subject to a demographic change in the displacement of millions of them, and perhaps the other face the stripping of others of their nationality so that Syria will be for everyone except Syrians.
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