It’s far from what the Turks had in mind. In late 2009, at the height of its detente with Syria , the Ankara government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan lifted visa requirements for Syrian nationals and floated plans for future energy cooperation,...
Al-Farouk battalions denied the accusation of Al-Qaeda-linked group, the 'State of Iraq and al-Sham' by treason and cooperation with Assad regime. The well-known battalions said in a statement circulated by social media that all ISIS allegations is completely fake, the...
Al-Qaeda-linked group, the 'State of Iraq and al-Sham' has launched armed attacks against rebels in al Raqqa and Aleppo, in a statement circulated by social media the ISIS accused Al-Farouk battalion and other brigades of the Free Syrian Army by treason and cooperation with Assad...
Everywhere you go, everywhere you look, sad eyes and tired faces. A broken city of deserted streets and empty shops, as a dejected population of almost 2 million is being slowly strangled to death. Both sides of the conflict lay the blame on each other, while the truth is that both are...